The Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 are in place to ensure nationally consistent, high-quality training and assessment across Australia’s Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. Compliance with the Standards is a requirement for:
- all registered training organisations, and
- for RTO applicants seeking registration.
Accredited and non-accredited training
Accreditation ensures that courses are nationally recognised and meet an established industry, enterprise, educational, legislative or community need. Accreditation is formal confirmation that the course:
- is nationally recognised
- meets an established industry, enterprise, educational, legislative or community need
- provides appropriate competency outcomes and a satisfactory basis for assessment
- meets national quality assurance requirements
- is aligned appropriately to the AQF where it leads to a qualification. is the official national register of information on training packages, qualifications, courses, units of competency and registered training organisations (RTOs). is the main database of vocational education and training information in Australia. helps people to find information about:
- RTOs
- Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) training packages, qualifications, accredited courses, skill sets and units of competency
- RTOs that are registered to deliver a particular NRT product.
For more information go to:
What is the Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) logo?
The Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) logo is a distinguishable mark of quality for promoting and certifying national vocational education and training leading to Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications or Statements of Attainment. The logo looks like an upside down green and red stripped triangle! Look for it beside our accredited courses on the website.
Who can use the NRT logo?
The NRT logo can only be used by registered training organisations (RTOs), the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), State and Territory registering/course accrediting bodies and other authorised bodies
Use of the logo means:
- the provider is a registered training organisation
- the organisation is registered to offer the training and assessment services advertised.
- training and assessment lead to nationally recognised Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications or statements of attainment.
- the organisation is complying with the quality requirements of the standards.
- that information in the advertising is correct and ethical.
For more information go to:
What is the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)?
The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) establishes the quality of Australian qualifications.
The AQF is the national policy for regulated qualifications in the Australian education and training system. It incorporates the quality assured qualifications from each education and training sector into a single comprehensive national qualifications
In Australia, education and training is a shared responsibility of all Commonwealth, State and Territory governments. Education and training ministers collectively are responsible for maintaining the AQF.
Who can use the AQF logo?
The AQF logo is the hallmark of Australian quality assured qualifications and is used by registered providers of AQF qualifications on testamurs and for advertising the AQF qualifications they are registered to provide.
For more information go to:
AQF levels
AQF levels and the AQF levels criteria are an indication of the relative complexity and/or depth of achievement and the autonomy required to demonstrate that achievement.
AQF levels summaries and learning outcomes criteria
Please note that Global Industry Training only deliver and assess AQF Level 2 – Level 5
The Certificate I qualifies individuals with basic functional knowledge and skills to undertake work, further learning and community involvement.
Graduates of a Certificate I will have basic fundamental knowledge and understanding in a narrow area of work and learning
Graduates of a Certificate I will have:
- basic skills to participate in everyday life and further learning
- cognitive and communication skills to receive, pass on and recall information in a narrow range of areas
- technical skills involving the use of tools appropriate to the activity and use of basic communication technologies
Application of knowledge and skills
Graduates of a Certificate I will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills:
- with some autonomy in defined contexts and within established parameters
- in contexts that may include preparation for further learning, life activities and/or a variety of initial routine and predictable work-related activities including participation in a team or work group
The Certificate II qualifies individuals to undertake mainly routine work and as a pathway to further learning
Graduates of a Certificate II will have basic factual, technical and procedural knowledge in a defined area of work and learning
Graduates of a Certificate II will have:
- cognitive skills to access, record and act on a defined range of information from a range of sources
- cognitive and communication skills to apply and communicate known solutions to a limited range of predictable problems
- technical skills to use a limited range of equipment to complete tasks involving known routines and procedures with a limited range of options
Application of knowledge and skills
Graduates of a Certificate II will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills:
- with some accountability for the quality of own outcomes and some responsibility for own outputs in work and learning
- with limited autonomy and judgement in the completion of own defined and routine tasks in known and stable contexts
- with limited autonomy and judgement to complete routine but variable tasks in collaboration with others in a team environment
The Certificate III qualifies individuals who apply a broad range of knowledge and skills in varied contexts to undertake skilled work and as a pathway for further learning
Graduates of a Certificate III will have factual, technical, procedural and theoretical knowledge in an area of work and learning
Graduates of a Certificate III will have:
- cognitive, technical and communication skills to interpret and act on available information
- cognitive and communication skills to apply and communicate known solutions to a variety of predictable problems and to deal with unforseen contingencies using known solutions
- technical and communication skills to provide technical information to a variety of specialist and non-specialist audiences
- technical skills to undertake routine and some non-routine tasks in a range of skilled operations
Application of knowledge and skills
Graduates of a Certificate III will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills:
- with discretion and judgement in the selection of equipment, services or contingency measures
- to adapt and transfer skills and knowledge within known routines, methods, procedures and time constraints
- in contexts that include taking responsibility for own outputs in work and learning including participation in teams and taking limited responsibility for the output of others within established parameters
The Certificate IV qualifies individuals who apply a broad range of specialised knowledge and skills in varied contexts to undertake skilled work and as a pathway for further learning
Graduates of a Certificate IV will have broad factual, technical and theoretical knowledge in a specialised field of work and learning
Graduates of a Certificate IV will have:
- cognitive skills to identify, analyse, compare and act on information from a range of sources
- cognitive, technical and communication skills to apply and communicate technical solutions of a non-routine or contingency nature to a defined range of predictable and unpredictable problems
- specialist technical skills to complete routine and non- routine tasks and functions
- communication skills to guide activities and provide technical advice in the area of work and learning
Application of knowledge and skills
Graduates of a Certificate IV will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills:
- to specialised tasks or functions in known or changing contexts
- with responsibility for own functions and outputs, and may have limited responsibility for organisation of others
- with limited responsibility for the quantity and quality of the output of others in a team within limited parameters
The Diploma qualifies individuals who apply integrated technical and theoretical concepts in a broad range of contexts to undertake advanced skilled or paraprofessional work and as a pathway for further learning
Graduates of a Diploma will have technical and theoretical knowledge and concepts, with depth in some areas within a field of work and learning
Graduates of a Diploma will have:
- cognitive and communication skills to identify, analyse, synthesise and act on information from a range of sources
- cognitive, technical and communication skills to analyse, plan, design and evaluate approaches to unpredictable problems and/or management requirements
- specialist technical and creative skills to express ideas and perspectives
- communication skills to transfer knowledge and specialised skills to others and demonstrate understanding of knowledge
Application of knowledge and skills
Graduates of a Diploma will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills:
- with depth in some areas of specialisation, in known or changing contexts
- to transfer and apply theoretical concepts and/or technical and/or creative skills in a range of situations
- with personal responsibility and autonomy in performing complex technical operations with responsibility for own outputs in relation to broad parameters for quantity and quality
- with initiative and judgement to organise the work of self and others and plan, coordinate and evaluate the work of teams within broad but generally well-defined parameters
The Advanced Diploma qualifies individuals who apply specialised knowledge in a range of contexts to undertake advanced skilled or paraprofessional work and as a pathway for further learning
Graduates of an Advanced Diploma will have specialised and integrated technical and theoretical knowledge with depth within one or more fields of work and learning
Graduates of an Advanced Diploma will have:
- cognitive and communication skills to identify, analyse, synthesise and act on information from a range of sources
- cognitive and communication skills to transfer knowledge and skills to others and to demonstrate understanding of specialised knowledge with depth in some areas
- cognitive and communication skills to formulate responses to complex problems
- wide-ranging specialised technical, creative or conceptual skills to express ideas and perspectives
Application of knowledge and skills
Graduates of an Advanced Diploma will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills:
- with depth in areas of specialisation, in contexts subject to change
- with initiative and judgment in planning, design, technical or management functions with some direction
- to adapt a range of fundamental principles and complex techniques to known and unknown situations
- across a broad range of technical or management functions with accountability for personal outputs and personal and team outcomes within broad parameters