Terms and Conditions
Course Enrolment:
As a student of Global Industry Training you agree to the following Terms and Conditions:
- I participate in this online course with a view to achieve completion within the nominated course duration.
- I acknowledge that the assessment responses I submit are my own work, written in my own words.
- I give consent to Global Industry Training Pty Ltd to make any enquiries necessary to verify the information disclosed in this application.
- I agree to pay full course fees (plus GST if applicable) for the course using the payment method I have selected prior to enrolment.
- In the event that I do not complete the course within the given timeframe, my course will be immediately suspended and access to my course denied.
- The duration of my course is stated in the Global Industry Training course description and/or advised at time of enrolment.
- If I wish to cancel my enrolment within the orientation period of fourteen (14) days, provided I have not accessed more than four (4) units of the course, I may do so by contacting Global Industry Training
Course Materials:
I acknowledge that:
- Course materials are supplied in an online environment, unless otherwise stated in the Global Industry Training Course description, and once enrolment has ended, access is denied. Therefore, it becomes my responsibility to save and/or print content as required for reference purposes.
- The content of the online course materials, including copyright and all other such intellectual property rights contained therein, remain the property of Global Industry Training.
- No reproduction or distribution any part of the course material, including but not limited to all assessment, content, supporting documents and the Global Star Enterprises intranet, can be made without the prior written consent of Global Industry Training.
Course Extension Policy
If I wish to continue with my course beyond the expiry date, application for a course extension must be made in writing to Global Industry Training and received fourteen (14) days prior to expiry date.
- Global Industry Training will not be obliged under any circumstances to extend the period of my enrolment if I have not completed the course in the allocated time.
- Once the allocated time for a course has ended I will no longer be provided with access to the course material, course assessment or unlimited trainer support.
- I may apply to Global Industry Training to place my course on hold due to extended holidays or unforeseen events which do not allow continued study. My course may be placed on hold in one (1) month blocks, for no more than (6) months in total over the course of my enrolment.
- I will not be granted a course extension or course hold unless my Unique Student Identifier (USI) has been provided to Global Industry Training and verified.
Fee for Service Enrolments:
Cancellation of course or program by Global Industry Training
Should Global Industry Training cancel a course for any reason, students enrolled at the time Global Industry Training announces the cancellation will be entitled to a full refund, and this will incur no administrative charges or penalties.
Withdrawal due to unavailable units
Should Global Industry Training be unable to provide all units to meet the students course completion schedule, the following will apply:
- Course fees paid will be refunded in full, and
- No Statement of Attainment will be issued on any unit,
- Course fees paid on any unavailable unit/s will be refunded, and
- Statement of Attainment will be issued for satisfactorily completed units.
Withdrawal prior to course commencement
Students must finalise the entire Global Industry Training enrolment process within 30 days of making their full/initial course payment. If all forms and required documents are not received by Global Industry Training within the 30 days, Global Industry Training may cancel the enrolment and withdraw the student. In this case, a full refund of the fees will be made, minus a cancellation fee of $150, which will be withheld to cover administration costs.
If a student withdraws from a course before the commencement of the course, full refund of the fees will be made, minus a cancellation fee of $150 , which will be withheld to cover administration costs.
Eligible cancellation during orientation period
Eligible cancellations, for students enrolled in a nationally recognised course, received during the orientation period will receive a full refund of course fees paid, minus a cancellation fee of $150 , which will be withheld to cover trainer and/or administration costs. Statement of Attainment will not be issued.
Withdrawal during course or program
Cancellations (other than eligible cancellations during the orientation period) for students that have commenced their course will not be entitled to a refund.
Statement of Attainment/s will only be issued for any units that have been satisfactorily completed and paid for.
Withdrawal due to illness or hardship
In the case of a student withdrawing from a course due to illness or extreme hardship, Global Industry Training may, at its discretion, allow a refund of the fees. The following conditions apply:
The person concerned must produce satisfactory evidence of the circumstances such as medical certificates;
- A cancellation fee of 25% of full course fees (not discounted price) will be withheld;
- Withdrawal and request for refund must take place within the first three (3) months of the course commencement; and
- If a refund has been issued a Statement of Attainment will NOT be granted for any units
Reinstatement of Course
Global Industry Training will not reinstate a student into a course following the course finish date.
I acknowledge that if for any reason; personal or medical that I cannot continue my studies, I have the option to apply for withdrawal or to place my course on hold. This can be done by following the guidelines outlined in the sections:
- Withdrawal during course or program
- Withdrawal due to illness or hardship
Confidentiality and Privacy
Global Industry Training will make reasonable efforts to keep any confidential information that we have about you secure and to ensure that any of our employees or agents who have access to information about you do not make any unauthorised use, modification, reproduction or disclosure of that information.
We will only disclose information that we have about you:
- to the extent specifically required by law
- for the purposes of this agreement (including disclosing information in connection with any query or claim)
Information provided by you is considered confidential and will not be divulged to any third party, nor will it be sold.
Student Handbook:
I accept it is my responsibility to ensure I read and understand the Global Industry Training Student Handbook prior to enrolment.
Offers for Returning Students:
Nationally Recognised Course Units
The nationally recognised course or unit/s you complete with Global Industry Training may be valid for credit transfer into several qualifications. Each credit transfer reduces the number of units you will have to study and may reduce the fee you pay. Global Industry Training are no obliged to discount fees for credits. Please contact a course advisor in regard to a new qualification and applicable credits.
Credit transfers for previous competent study
Credit will be granted for studies completed at any Australian authorised issuing organisation, such as a RTO, school or university. In such cases, an analysis will be undertaken by Global Industry Training to confirm:
- the equivalence of the study completed with the relevant enrolling unit
- the authenticity of the certificate or statement of attainment produced (Global Industry Training will contact the organisation that issued the document and confirm the content is valid).
- If the issuing organisation is no longer operating, Global Industry Training requires the student to be responsible for obtaining a valid letter/transcript from the National VET regulator or state VET regulator for Victoria and Western Australia documenting the competencies you have achieved. In some instances, the student may have past transcripts of completed nationally recognised training recorded against their USI account. The student would need to provide permission for Global Industry Training to view their USI transcript.
Global Industry Training are not obliged to issue a qualification or statement of attainment that is achieved wholly through recognition of units completed at another RTO or issuing organisation.
Global Industry Training may revise the student handbook, policy documents and any terms and conditions contained in this agreement, at any time at our sole discretion.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
You need a USI upon enrolment with Global Industry Training as part of our legislative reporting requirements of a registered training organisation. We cannot issue a qualification or Statement of Attainment without a USI.
From 1st January, 2015 new legislation by the Australian Government advised that each person undertaking nationally recognised training are required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). This must be collected and verified by the training organisation.
It is a mandatory requirement to provide your USI as part of your enrolment with Global Industry Training if you are:
- an Australian expat or resident (you need a USI even if you do the course whilst living outside Australia).
- an international student living in Australia
International students not living in Australia are not required to submit a USI.
If you do not already have one, click here to create your USI https://www.usi.gov.au/students
Acceptance of Course Enrolment Agreement:
By accepting the terms of this Course Enrolment Agreement:
- you are warranting that you are 18 years of age or over; or if you are under 18 years of age, you must ensure your parent or guardian accepts the conditions of the Course Enrolment Agreement. By such execution, your parent or guardian acknowledges and accepts the terms and conditions herein, including guaranteeing the principal liability to make payment of the course fee
- you will obtain or provide your Unique Student Identifier (USI) upon enrolment
- you will conduct the mandatory Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LL&N) activity located in the course before commencing any of your units of competency
- you acknowledge that your acceptance declaration will be recorded on our database; and
- you agree to participate in the assessment and/or RPL process with authenticity and honesty
- you acknowledge that this declaration is true and correct with the understanding and belief that a person who makes a false declaration is liable to the penalties of perjury
- you acknowledge by pressing the I accept button on the course acknowledgement page